Friday, November 14, 2008

Authentic China for Mom

Here are some pics of China that should not really look like Canada. However you should all also realize that much of China is very like the western world. There are some differences in ideals and language, but these don't really show very well in photos. A lot looks similar. Also the majority of my social life is dominated by time with Canadians. It's fun to meet people of other cultures, but I do eat, live, work and play with Canadians, so a large part of my experience here is with them. The day of a typical Chinese person is dominated by work. I will however try to get out and get some pics of what I see on a regular basis. I'm used to taking pictures with friends, family and fun as the center, but I suppose some pics of just scenery would be nice too.

Just a shot of Dre and I near his place.

This is a pic from Dre's Neighborhood. We were just taking a walk.

The above pics are from my breif visit to the wood museum in Dre's Neighbourhood

I was invited (and accepted) a couple of weeks ago, to play a duet with Chinese singer/student Amos in a charity concert he was putting on to raise money for earth quake victims. It was pretty fun. The whole concert was apparently taped and broadcast on Chinese Television... But I never watch tele here so I haven't seen it.

I love you all a bunch and will try to blog again soon.

Oh yea, Heidi... Start answering your phone please!!! Love you.


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