Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Our Little Granddaughters; Hadassah & Aunika

Hello Everyone.
You will see a series of video with the two little girls. Aunika is now ten months old but in the "Pool Party" is only 8 months and Dassi only 20.

Hadassah is now 22 months old, and in the next three videos she is painting and knows her colours. She gets messier as the videos progress. You need to scroll down to start at Video One (1) which is marked as such. Then work your way upward on the blog.

The darling girls are learning so much and growing so fast, it sure is wonderful for us ALL to get to watch this happen together. So a big THANK-YOU to their Mommies, Heidi and Roxi.

Keep on posting everyone. Daniel tells me that it often makes his day! He looks forward to each and every one that we post. Heidi, Kris, Mom and Dad, are sending Daniel a package. Kris got Daniels name in the draw and since he bought his gift on line we are combining the packages. I am waiting on Daniel for some measurements....hope he sends them to me soon.

Once again HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Mark F....hope he had a "not to shabby of a day" (This is one of his sayings; hehehehe)

as Ever, Mother/Nana

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