Sunday, December 15, 2013

Barti boggers

Hi Zac, Becky and Jacob

So nice to see your lovely home at Bartibog. I know there's good fishin' close by, good bird hunting close by and moose hunting as well. Gee, you guys could even have a sailboat sitting in the river. and hey, canoeing is great on the Bartibog. you can put in at Hwy 8 or go up further where the dirt road goes in and crosses the Barti. I caught a BIG trout 18" where the Green Brook comes into the Barti. and there's great fishin', trout all summer and salmon from September to the end of October ... I think.

Hey, you can even grow some veggies for Jacob to pick at. Lot's of potential.

Good goin' guys. I'll have to get down this summer to do some canoeing. Get yerself an oldtown. It's a great life long investment and enjoyment.

Much love from Dad

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